Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I can't believe I am already saying this but, our house sold yesterday and for the asking price. Heavenly Father really must want us to get out of this house or he likes to see me scramble. Maybe a little of both. One week with the sign out front and we sold the house. That means we will be buying a lot in Cottonwood Creek and building our new house. If you know where we can find a good floor plan for a walkout basement let me know. Unfortunately, I think selling the house was the easy part. We will live in Matt's parents house for a while so we can build the new house. I want the kids to stay in the same school and go to the same ward because we really like it out here. A note to all my neighbors: just because we're moving for a little while doesn't mean we're gone, so don't forget about us! Oh and I definately wont forget about all of you! : )


Annette Rose said...

HOLY CRAP! That is soooo awesome! I'm so excited for you! Good luck building. Do you know Tarina Lowe? She has quite a few sets of houseplans cuz they built theirs. I bet she has a basement one!

Leslie said...

Amy, that's amazing!! Congrats!! A lot of houses are just sitting right now. How did you accomplish such a quick sale?

stylist to the stars said...

You are crazy, Lady! I can't believe what a mover and shaker you are. Congrats :)

Brandon and Alesha said...

I can't beleive you sold it so fast especially with so many houses on our street for sale. I was hoping you would be around for awhile more, but that's just me being selfish. I'm excited to come visit you in your new house when its done.

Yin said...

That was fast!

KP said...

CONGRATS! Ours happened fast too. The best advice I got in moving, nowing many things would be stored was to number the boxes & keep a list of what is in the numbered boxes. It saved us, being able to look for a large # on a box instead of the details in it. Also, we blue taped the boxes that we would use so the others could go to storage easily. Good Luck!

Penny said...

Surprise Amy! Hey, would love to see you next time you are up at AM's. Tell your mommy hello, and congrats on the sale of the house. I'm very late, so you might be in the new one by now. You don't have time to read blogs, let alone keep it up constantly, I know. Stay healthy.


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