Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is it because I have a broom in my hand all day?

A couple of nights ago Matt, the kids, and I were watching a halloween cartoon on TV and everytime the cartoon witch would appear Mack would say, "there's mommy...". I am wondering where this is coming from? Do I really look like a witch, green, big nose, wart, wicked laugh, pointy hat, and crazy hair? I finally decided it must be because I have to sweep our kitchen floor 20 times a day so I always have a broom in my hand. Matt thinks this is just hilarious of course. Okay, it is a little bit funny... I guess.


stylist to the stars said...

What are you doing up at 3am? And no you do not look andything like a witch.
You might want to look to Matt on this one :)

Brandon and Alesha said...

You have a great sense of humor to be able to laugh about that. It must be the broom since you look nothing like a witch!

Annette Rose said...

That is hilarious! Its a good thing we can laugh about those kind of comments, huh? Otherwise, we would have major complexes...