Monday, December 1, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving! Its a little late but better late than never. Here we are at my sister's house from left to right, Alex, Annie, Chad, Greg, Michelle, Matt, Me, and Luke. My brother Greg and his family drove from Las Vegas to join us for the holiday too. It was really great to spend time with him and his family. He is getting ready to leave for Afghanistan in April so the more I get to see him the better. Stephanie cooked all day for two days to make this delicious meal. We had appetizers only a couple hours before dinner so I think we were all full before dinner even started. Thanks goodness for left overs because they tasted really good the next day too.

The kids ate their meal together and I don't think they ate any of it. One of them mentioned they wanted a hot dog and that got every ones attention so they all ate hot dogs for thanksgiving. There is something very wrong with that but I guess their only kids so what do you do?

By the end of the day this is how the little ones fell asleep. I think it was all the food! Thank you to my sister for all her hard work on our behalf, we love you!


Lori said...

Hot dogs? That is so funny! My kids would probably get behind that idea :) Hot dogs and pie!

Yin said...

Hahaha... I know kids are funny! I'm lucky my kids liked the turkey, I think that is all they ate!